Cognition Under Stress
SATURDAY, JUNE 1st, 2024
11am to 12:30pm EDT (USA and Canada)
11am to 12:30pm EDT (USA and Canada)
This webinar will introduce some of the key cognitive processes taking place in the canine brain and provide an introduction to some of the brain regions and psychological mechanisms involved in their function.
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In this Webinar:
Meet the instructor
Daniel Shaw BSc (Hons), GMBPsS, CDBC is an animal behaviourist with a background in animal behaviour, psychology and neuroscience. As the owner of Animal Behaviour Kent, Daniel supports dogs and cats with behaviour problems, and has a special interest in aggression, frustration, and the effects of trauma on animals. Daniel provides expert witness assessments for legal cases involving the Dangerous Dogs Act and recently spoke in Parliament on the topic of dog bite reform. Daniel also regularly appears in the media, and has been interviewed on LBC News as well as being interviewed for the Guardian. Daniel is a degree qualified psychologist, a certified dog behaviour consultant with the International Association of Animal Behaviour Consultants (IAABC), and is currently obtaining a masters degree in neuroscience.
Daniel regularly presents seminars and webinars to other pet professionals and the public and well as running the annual ABK Dog Behaviour Conference. He has presented for a number of leading animal behaviour organisations including Grisha Stewart Academy, Pet Professional Guild,, Behavior Vets, APBC, Family Dog Mediation Centre, Dog and Bone, and DolceVitaDog. His online course platform ABK Learn provides both owners and professionals with insights into the psychological health of dogs and provides a wealth of information on many common behavioural problems.
Patrick Jones - Course author