Introduction to Horse Training

This presentation is an introduction to horse training from a positive reinforcement perspective. We will cover important things to know about horse training, such as common terminology, some of the science of behavior change, and benefits to using positive reinforcement.
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After this presentation you will:

  • Become familiar with the horse industry and how to navigate it
  • Learn creative solutions for working with an anxious horse
  • Learn how to create choice and cooperation in your training plans
  • How to introduce equipment to a horse with a history of negative experiences
Meet the instructor

Jana Dewey, CPBT-KA

Janna Dewey is a Behavior Consultant for Behavior Vets where she specializes in using positive reinforcement methods to work with behaviorally sensitive animals of all species. Prior, she was zoo keeper for about 10 years and was able to work a number of exotic species such as servals, ocelots, porcupines, macaws, birds of prey, reptiles, and llamas. She is a Certified Professional Bird Trainer and has specialized in fearful and aggressive animals throughout her career. She is currently in graduate school at Regis University in Colorado earning her Master’s in Counseling and hope to utilize it for helping people who have more sensitive animals, as well as those in the animal care field. Janna is also a Certified Equine Assisted Mental Health Practitioner through the University of Denver and has interned and volunteered at numerous barns that specialized in therapeutic riding and using equines within therapy sessions.
Patrick Jones - Course author
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