Empowering Possibilities:
Navigating Life with Blind Deaf Dogs
Saturday, February 24, 2024
11am to 12:30pm EST (USA and Canada)
11am to 12:30pm EST (USA and Canada)
There are special considerations and challenges when living with and caring for dogs that are both blind and deaf. While they need all of the same things that seeing and hearing dogs need, we do need to make adaptations, and often they need us to think outside of the box that we're used to.
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In this Webinar:
Meet the instructor
Deb Bauer, KPA CTP, HTA, TTouch®, FDM
Deb Bauer is a Holistic Canine Behavior and Wellbeing Coach. She has over 30 years of professional experience teaching and consulting with dogs and their people. Deb is the owner of Your Inner Dog (www.yourinnerdog.com) which runs programs for the Well-Rounded Dog focused on meeting the wellness and behavior needs of dogs and their human families. She is also the creator of The Sense-Ability Method for Blind Dogs which supports dogs and their families through the transition of vision loss.
Deb has extensive training within a variety of modalities such as Tellington TTouch, Healing Touch for Animals, canine fitness, and others, which she brings into the work she does with canine behavior and teaching. She is a published author and is known internationally as a leading expert on working with blind and/or deaf dogs. She enjoys inspiring others about what these amazing dogs are capable of, and she offers support, resources, and programs for caregivers and dog professionals to learn to work with dogs with different sensory abilities.
Deb’s family includes three amazing dogs: Brinks, a 13-year-old Pyrenean Shepherd who is super sensitive and also super sweet; Vinny, a 7-year-old Rough Collie who is an amazing dog sports partner and buddy, and just happens to be blind and deaf; and Delight, the newest member of the family, a 1-year-old Pomeranian/Sheltie mix, who is a combination of sweetness and untamed energy, and also just happens to be blind and deaf.
Together they enjoy doing therapy visits and training and competing in a variety of activities such as canine musical freestyle, nosework, rally obedience, and trick dog.
Patrick Jones - Course author