Sheltering Together: Cats

Many kind humans have stepped up to foster animals, eliminating the burden from shelter workers while we’re all stuck at home, sheltering in place. While sharing your home with a pet can provide emotional comfort and entertainment during this strange time, bringing a new animal into your house isn’t without challenges! Some homeless pets have never lived in a home before. Your new foster feline friend may not be litterbox trained. Or, they may be fearful and struggling to adjust. That’s where we come in.
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After this presentation you will:

  • Be able to set up a safe space so your new cat can decompress
  • Understand what your cat is saying to you
  • Be able to prevent the new cat from urinating inappropriately, scratching your furniture, and running around your home like a nascar driver
  • Know how to introduce your current pets to your new cat, safely and without stress
  • Utilize multiple tips and tricks so you can handle anything that comes up
Meet the instructor

Dr. Vanessa Spano, DVM

Dr. Spano received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Biology at Barnard College of Columbia University in 2013 and her Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine from the Atlantic Veterinary College of the University of Prince Edward Island in 2017. While in veterinary school, she was President of the Shelter Medicine Club, Teaching Animal Enrichment Club, and Animal Welfare Club. Through these programs she was able to organize positive reinforcement training sessions with students and local animal shelters in addition to developing symposiums for the public about pertinent behavioral and welfare issues. Dr. Spano served as the only student representative on the University’s Animal Care Committee, ensuring that all animals used for teaching purposes were given the proper behavioral enrichment. She also provided behavioral management for a local goat farm where two of her own rescue goats are relocated, and have since been successfully clicker trained!
Patrick Jones - Course author
Meet the instructor

Lauren Novack, ACBDC, KPA-CTP, FPPE

Lauren Novack, an Associate Certified Dog Behavior Consultant, Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner, and Family Paws Parent Educator, is also certified in Canine First Aid and CPR. She is currently pursuing both an Applied Behavior Analysis Masters of Science and Animal Behavior and Conservation Masters of Arts at Hunter College.
Through her work with private clients in the overwhelming NYC environment, she developed unique training procedures aimed at preventing and modifying problem behavior by teaching animals emotional regulation in order to deal with stress appropriately.
Patrick Jones - Course author